Look after your health naturally - prevention is better than cure…
Photo Simon Berger
A touch of Spring is in the air with snowdrops and daffodils brightening up our day, welcoming in this new and much awaited season. BUT THE WEATHER IS STILL COLD - so don't get caught out by getting chilled - especially children if they haven't rested enough from their half-term break. Professional constitutional homeopathic treatment can help support their immune systems and there are many over-the-counter remedies which can be used at home for simple coughs, sore-throats and colds. That goes for adults too - regular, seasonal homeopathic treatment can make a difference if you feel you suffer from more than your fair share of colds and coughs or even 'flu.
March is also the time of year for gardeners and walkers to start flexing their muscles! Whether it's preparing gardens for planting or walkers getting fit and building up to planned treks. Arnica is a well known remedy and comes in all forms to soothe those tired muscles.
An Arnica 6C or 30C homeopathic remedy taken after strenuous walking or gardening can support tired, achey limbs and well worth a try. An Arnica bath soak and your favourite calming favourite tea - even better! Check out Weleda's extensive range of Arnica products.
See you next month…