November is the month before Christmas and is always a testing time with changeable, chilly weather. Many people find the ‘daylight saving’ change difficult to adjust and find it takes quite a few weeks to adjust - suffering with low energy.

Also, at this time of year school children tend to suffer more with colds, coughs and tummy upsets which usually go through schools like wildfire. Using Homeopathy as a holistic healthcare regime is an excellent way to look after ourselves and our families by using it as a natural preventative system of medicine. By keeping up with regular professional Homeopathic constitutional treatment with remedies, you can keep ahead with supporting your immune system to help you become less susceptible to unwanted pathogens.

Children will benefit from consistent Homeopathic treatment given before the end of term when they are usually exhausted. More often than not treatment is needed just before the half-term break to help keep them in balance.

Using Homeopathy can also help avoid the use of anti-biotics. A few doses of the right remedy from your Homeopathic first-aid kit, taken right at the start of feeling below par with a simple symptom picure will often allow the body to re-balance itself and get you back to centre. And if you don’t have a kit, it’s well worth investing in one, as not only do you have 18 - 36 remedies all in one compact little box - perfect for travel, it’s by far the cheapest way of buying remedies over-the-counter.

Taking Homeopathic remedies supported by common sense measures including rest and getting enough sleep, plus paying attention to your diet and taking in enough fluids will make all the difference.

If you don’t have a Homeopathic kit which does come with a comprehensive instruction leaftlet and feel you need advice, don’t hesitate to contact a professional homeopath. We’re here to help and support you.

These compact Helios kits contain 18 or 36 remedies which cover all sorts of common and seasonal ailments, first aid situations and more. They are a convenient and cost effective way of having a selection of remedies at home or to take traveling. Each kit comes with its own booklet, giving you an introduction to homeopathy and information to help you choose the right remedy.

Available by mail order from - an excellent Christmas present for you and the family!

Stay well.

Herbal tintures and supplements are a good addition to maintaining a balance with your health.