Let's not forget looking after our beloved four-footed friends the best we can this year. They too deserve the very best in healthcare and Homeopathy can be a valuable part of a holistic support regime for their wellbeing.

Homeopathy is widely used in farming and agriculture and domestic pets are able to get professional homeopathic treatment with holistic vets as well. So check out if there is one in your area.

An amazing collection of folk at Whole Health Agriculture (wholehealthag.org) are doing incredible work supporting animals.

'Whole Health Agriculture is a not-for-profit organisation that helps farmers discover, learn and adopt whole health systems that promote vitality, resilence and immunity.' There is a wealth of information on their website for all animal carers - wholehealthag.org

There are also special pet homeopathic kits you can buy to use with your pets at home. These can be purchased at helios.co.uk

The Helios Pet Kit is strong, lightweight and compact. It covers a wide range of minor ailments and first-aid situations for all your animals. The kit contains 24 homeopathic remedies (in 2g bottles of size 6 pills/pillules), and for those emergency situations includes their SOeSsence® Flower Formula in liquid form. There is a free booklet available with every kit purchased, introducing you to homeopathy for your pets, featuring an A-Z of complaints and a materia medica section describing the traditional uses of the remedies.
